The world is currently facing a major problem regarding the availability of enough food at affordable prices for the world’s population. The reason for this is multifaceted, the COVID pandemic, a major drought in the northern hemisphere, the war in the Ukraine and a dramatic rise in fertilizer prices. But the most worrying reason is the push to stop farmers from growing by restricting the amount of land they can farm, encouraging farmers to retire or stop farming with government financial incentives and the buying of farming land that is being locked up all of which is in the name of protecting the environment and reducing climate change. Further compounding the problem is a push by federal and state government agencies to imposing restrictions on small and medium food growers.
Food production and processing is increasingly controlled by a small number of companies worldwide. So is the production of seeds for fruit, vegetable, legume, oil and grain growing which means that most commercial seeds are now patented hybrid seeds or patented GMO seeds that are designed for use with particular pesticides and herbicides and can’t be saved and planted the next season.
The evidence is that the complete control of food production is not far away. Never has the counsel to grow our own food been more relevant than now. This is not a conspiracy theory, there a large number of secular experts warning of worldwide food shortages within the next 12 months.